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Everyone knows that drinking water is vital to good health, but not everyone takes the time to think about why. On top of helping to flush out the body, water is essential for regulating body temperature and even helping with brain function. Drinking water also helps the body in ways that one might not expect.

Water is a key component of saliva and intestinal secretions. Having enough saliva is essential for breaking down food and keeping your mouth healthy. Saliva production is listed as one of Healthline’s list of reasons that water is so important.

The body needs water to digest and process food after it leaves the mouth as well. It has been confirmed that drinking plenty of water around and during meals helps with proper digestion. Water is also an essential component when it comes to preventing constipation. This is because water keeps stool softer, making it easier for the body to pass.

On top of preventing constipation, there are several other medical conditions that water helps fight off. The list includes hypertension, urinary tract infections, and kidney stones. Due to the fact that water helps the body absorb nutrients and vitamins, it is easy to see how it helps people stay healthier overall.

Water has been shown to help people achieve their weight loss goals. It helps to flush out the body while also curbing the impulse to have sugary drinks. Water is also key for burning stored fat. As a bonus, drinking water can increase energy levels which can, in turn, make it easier to get out and exercise. Water has been linked to an increase in metabolism, which is excellent for getting fit and losing weight all around.

Being properly hydrated during exercise helps people achieve their fitness goals. Water boosts both endurance and strength. On the flipside, not drinking enough water while exercising can have serious negative consequences on health. They include decreased blood pressure, and in severe cases, even death.

Water is necessary for mental health on top of physical health. Research has indicated that dehydration can be linked to problems with short-term memory. It can also negatively impact focus and mood. Those who are dehydrated are more likely to feel anxious, confused, and tired.

Drinking plenty of water is important to both maintaining and improving health. Anyone who is not getting enough daily water should develop strategies to fix the situation. Keeping track of intake is a good motivational tool, and always carrying water can make the job easier.